With G-d's help, our mission is to create Jewish families through an online system based in South Florida, USA which connects young Jewish singles from all over the world. This system encourages and facilitates interactive experiences between singles looking to form families in an enjoyable way.
When the COVID-19 pandemic began, socializing between young Jewish singles declined and thus we launched our online projects with zest.
Through online social activities, conferences, Torah classes, and more, a great opportunity to bring together the young Jewish singles community was born. Virtual Konnections and like-minded singles mixing in organized online events emerged as a winner.
A unique CRM database holds, sorts, and arranges the identities of all participants according to age, level of religious observance, and more.
An average of 50 young Jewish singles (half male and half female) are invited to a general zoom meeting via an exclusive invitation which requires confirmation.
After a general zoom meeting in which each person presents himself or herself to the others, breakout rooms or private zoom rooms allow two males and two females to speak alone and in particular. There are a total of four to five rounds of private zoom breakout rooms for four singles to talk.
Between each personal mixer, everyone rejoins the larger group to listen to guest speakers and/or to discuss important topics which are applicable for the participants.
During the zoom singles mix, singles can chat with one another directly through the zoom chat system. After the zoom Virtual Konnections meet, the singles can contact or will be contacted about their interest in other participants of the zoom.
Thank G-d, several couples have connected from all over the globe.
Our goal is to reach out to all cities worldwide and to engage community leaders to encourage young Jewish singles to get involved and participate so that they too may form their families, with Hashem’s help. These community leaders are invited to speak
and share their advice with the participants, as well.
If you are a jew, single and between the ages 21 to 38 please sign up HERE
If you are a community leader please contact our staff